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TOP 10 Best Yin Yang Nail Arts

Yin Yang Nails

Hello and welcome to our article where we will talk about the yin yang nail fashion. And of course, we will propose you a top 10 of the most beautiful yin yang nail design to do at home. 💅

A little stability and calm is never a bad thing. So when the nail art trend that is to draw the sigil of Yin and Yang points the tip of his nose, it is mandatory to succumb. Zoom on the trend that is all the rage on Instagram and the web.

For years, beautistas have been using makeup to convey messages, but also to show their innermost thoughts. On Instagram, one nail art trend is really catching on: drawing the Yin and Yang symbol. This ancient Chinese philosophy represents the concept of duality and how opposing forces like order and chaos, dark and light, or masculinity and femininity, can often be complementary or necessary. This philosophy of life is often symbolized by a circle divided in half by a curve, one half of which is black (yin) and the other white (yang). Both halves of the circle has a dot of the opposite color near the center.

Some great nail art fans have been inspired by this symbol to make it an art form of its own.

yin yang nails

How to Wear the Yin and Yang Symbol in Manicure?

On several social networks, we can see that several nail artists have taken the liberty of declining the symbol of Yin and Yang in different colors. Some prefer it in flashier colors than black and white. You are free to draw the symbol on the whole of your nails or only on one finger.

Here are the most beautiful nail art with the Yin and Yang symbol spotted on the web:

10) Simple Yin Yang Nails Art

To start our top 10, here is a type of nails that are easy to realize and that will offer the most elegant result. We have chosen to highlight these two designs because they will not be very complicated to achieve for the first time. Especially since these nails with the yin yang symbol will show that you have a sense of design and that you also have great spiritual values. ☯️

Simple Yin Yang Nails Art

9) Yin Yang Heart Nails

On the other hand, these nails carrying the shape of yin yang with hearts inside each opposing forces will be more difficult to do but it will have the advantage of being particularly original and emotionally powerful. In fact, this design represents the love you have for Taoism and its core values. (As well as for the beauty of the lovely yin yang manicure of course). 🖤

Yin Yang Heart Nails

8) Black Yin Yang Nails

A classic. At the same time very sober but very classy, this design ideally represents the values of yin yang thanks to the mixture of black and white colors.

Black Yin Yang Nails

7) Brown Yin Yang Nails

To change the style a bit while staying on a dark tone, the brown yin yang nails will go perfectly with a beautiful taoist ring that will bring out the beauty of this philosophically Taoist manicure. 💍

Brown Yin Yang Nails

6) Blue Yin Yang Nails

Beautiful, the blue color offers a particularly special aspect, especially since you can add a little makeup at eye level to bring out the color of your nails. 💄

Blue Yin Yang Nails

5) Purple Yin Yang Nails

Purple. Symbol of creativity, meditation and delicacy. If these words sound like you then try this color which will highlight your originality.

Purple Yin Yang Nails

4) Pink Yin Yang Nails

If you want to go for a more girly style, these pink acrylic nails will be perfect for you! With this kind of flashy color, you will be able to proudly show off your style as well as the values that Taoism advocates.

Pink Yin Yang Nails

3) Colorful Yin Yang Nails

Let's get into the top 3 of our list! Unleash your creativity by using your most beautiful colors to achieve the most original manicure 💅. You can even try to use the colors of the rainbow to symbolize the joy that emanates from you.

Colorful Yin Yang Nails

2) Yin Yang Toe Nails

Yes, we did put this design in this top 10. The toe nails will not be spared... If you feel like it, then try to realize this yin yang symbol on your toe nails! 🦶

Yin Yang Toe Nails

1) Yin Yang Coffin Nails

Finally, last we put forward the coffin nails because loved by some hated by others, it is a style of manicure that remains at least very elegant. It is up to you to adapt the symbol of yin yang depending on the length of your nails.

Yin Yang Coffin Nails


Here we are at the end of this top 10 most beautiful yin yang nails. Hopefully, these rankings have given you some manicure ideas. If you liked our blog post then feel free to visit our website and discover what Yin Yang Paradise has to offer.

Yin Yang Paradise

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