What is Yin and Yang in Chinese Medicine ? Min TCM is based on a simplified belief that a system in harmony tends to sustainability, wellbeing, and health, while a system in disharmony leans towards...
How to use the Bagua Mirror? Min In this context, the bagua mirror is often described as a powerful remedy capable of protecting us (or our loved ones) from negative energies, while...
Yin Yang Sun and Moon: The Ultimate Guide Min The concept of Yin-Yang is centered on the belief that balance between two extremities must be acquired to achieve harmony. There are dozens of representations...
Yin Yang Tree of Life Meaning Min If you are curious to know more about the yin yang tree of life, stay hooked to understand its meaning, the reason for the association of...
Yin Yang Necklace Meaning Min We often see people wearing Yin Yang Necklaces. The reason why they wear the yin yang pendant lies in the deepest meaning of this Chinese symbol. In...
Yin Yang Cat Symbolism Min This descriptive guide enlightens you on the Chinese philosophies and beliefs about the Cat and how this particular animal can also be associated with the...